21 Nov 2024   
Revisiting Witnessing & the Archive
Revisiting Witnessing & the Archive
21 Nov 2024

Revisiting Witnessing & the Archive: A Conversation with Tina Campt & Mohanad Yaqubi – REGISTER NOW –  

The international symposium Inward Outward investigates the status of moving image and sound archives as they intertwine with questions of coloniality, identity and race, and seeks to bring theory and practice into dialogue by drawing together people from different professional and creative backgrounds.

Archives, assumed to be containers of memory, are vested with a particular power to constitute and define who is and who is not included in history -that is his/her/their/our-stories. Inward Outward asks what approaches and interventions exist (or could be imagined) that question archival practices in an effort to “decolonize” the archive, and explores  what “decolonizing” the archive—within and beyond the walls of established institutions—could offer for the production of new bodies of knowledge.

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Revisiting Witnessing & the Archive: A Conversation with Tina Campt & Mohanad Yaqubi – REGISTER NOW –